Q: I am going to have our first child in a few months. We are very excited, but a little apprehensive, too. I have not had much experience with babies. What advice do you have for new parent... Read more
Q: My children are going back to school. Now, I want to make sure I am doing all I can to live a healthy life. Any advice? A: Amid all the hustle and bustle, we overlook our needs as parent... Read more
Ask the Doctor – September 2020 Q:I have always heard about the importance of vaccinations — not just for children, but for adults, too. And yet, from time to time I hear news re... Read more
Q: My sister is a nurse practitioner. I recently overheard her talking about the importance of “community health centers,” but I’m not sure I understand what they are and what they do. Can y... Read more
Q: I am concerned about the rising numbers of COVID-19 cases that we are hearing about. Is it safe to schedule a medical appointment? What about going shopping or returning to my job? What p... Read more
Q: During the summer months, I will be working out in the sun and heat. I want to make sure I drink plenty of water so I can stay well hydrated. How will I know if I am dehydrated? What are... Read more
Q: I am preparing for my first visit to Accordia Health. I want to make the most of my visit. Are there questions I should ask? A: Studies show that having a good patient-doctor relationshi... Read more
Q: I keep hearing that the number of people catching the flu is on the rise. I do not want to catch the virus and get sick. Is it too late to get a flu shot? A: You are in luck because it i... Read more