Q: I am going to have our first child in a few months. We are very excited, but a little apprehensive, too. I have not had much experience with babies. What advice do you have for new parents?
First of all, congratulations — not just on your upcoming birth, but also on having the foresight to plan ahead for your little one’s arrival.
For starters, you’ll want to make sure you have had your Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccination, and then remind anyone who’ll be caring for your new baby — grandparents, friends, sitters — to have the vaccination, too. These diseases can be very dangerous for newborns. At Accordia Health, we offer immunizations for people of all ages.
As our state and nation continue to struggle with rising COVID-19 numbers, you will also want to make sure that visitors wash their hands thoroughly and wear face masks.
You will get important instructions and advice from nurses and other healthcare experts while you and your baby are in the hospital, including a recommendation for your first “well baby” visit with your pediatrician. They will give you tips on feeding, diapering and bathing your baby, and our staff will reinforce and expand those pointers. In addition, we can establish a schedule of vaccinations for the baby.
It’s normal for new parents to be anxious, but it won’t be long before you’re more comfortable caring for your baby. When you are not sure whether something’s wrong, or if the baby has a fever or isn’t eating well, Accordia can answer your questions, whether in a phone call, a telehealth visit or an office appointment.
Finally, don’t forget to take care of yourself. It’s normal for new parents to feel tired and overwhelmed; having a new baby is hard work! But tell your doctor if you are experiencing intense feelings of sadness, anxiety or depression.
Give us a call to schedule an appointment and be assured that because of the COVID-19 epidemic, everyone in our offices, including patients, wears a face mask. We also follow sanitization procedures recommended by the Centers for Disease Control.
You can reach us at (251) 824-8320 or toll-free at (833) 921-1810. You can find us in Bayou La Batre at 13833 Tapia Avenue; in Rockford at 9518 U.S. Highway 231; and in Mobile at 7280 Sellers Lane and 2419 Gordon Smith Drive.
Accordia Health is a Federally Qualified Health Center and accepts all patients, regardless of their insurance status.