Addiction also known as Substance Use Disorders, just like any disease has a list of symptoms which identify it as an illness. The following are the list of “criteria” also known as symptoms, idntified by the American Psychiatric Association:
Are you or your loved one taking the substance in larger amounts or over a longer period than originally intended?
Have you or your loved one expressed a persistent desire to cut down or regulate the substance use or had unsuccessful efforts to decrease or discontinue use?
Do you or your loved one spend a great deal of time obtaining the substance, or recovering from its effects?
Do you or your loved one ever experience an overwhelming craving for the substance?
Does your substance use ever affect your ability to fulfill major obligations with work, school, or home?
Do you or your loved one continue using despite negative consequences with family, employment, or social situations?
Have you or your loved one stopped or reduced social, occupational, or recreational activities because of your substance use?
Have you or your loved one been taking more than in the past to get high or even just to feel normal?
Do you or your loved one ever develop symptoms such as diarrhea, shakiness, cold sweats, and body aches if you can’t get the substance?
If you or your loved one has responded yes to any of these symptoms, please seek help. Treatment can be quite specialized depending on the substance(s) an individual is using but research shows that having help increases your chance of a successful recovery.