What is a Divine Moment? How do they affect our lives? What do we do with them once they come? Divine moments are when God touches our life and our heart, and we are never the same again. If you knew in the future that God was going to touch you in such a way, what would you do with that moment? Life actually is filled with those moments. The problem is,we simply don’t recognize them. Sometimes the heart has to see what the natural eye can’t.
One of the most obvious historical Divine Moment’s is from the cross when Jesus Christ looked toward heaven, and asked the Father this question: Matthew 27:46 “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
What was happening at that very moment? It looked tragic, but it wasn’t. It was a Divine moment in the past when great love, and mercy and grace was poured out on the earth. At THAT EXACT MOMENT, the reality of II Corinthians 5:21 was taking place. “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
Let’s take a spiritual non-religious reality check here: He (the Father) made Him (The Son Jesus Christ) who knew no sin to become sin for ____________. (Yes, your name goes in the blank)., so that _________ (your name again goes in the blank) might become the righteousness of God in Him. Say that over and over to your self.
Would you consider that as a Divine Moment for you and the rest of the world? Does that moment has any affect on your life and how you live it today? A great man of God, Leonard Ravenhill, once said, “Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?”
It’s hard to believe that the “Star Breather”, the one “holds all creation together” is also the “Sin Bearer”. That great truth entering into the heart of man SHOULD cause great love to come flowing out of our hearts toward Jesus Christ and His purposes, the one who is “Eternal Life”.
What about eternal life? What is it? What have we been religiously taught? Is it going to church, praying a sinner’s prayer without any life transformation, teaching Sunday school, doing good works, living a holy life, or going to heaven? Since Jesus Christ is Eternal Life, let Him once and for all define what eternal life is. He does this in: John 17:3- “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”
That they may KNOW YOU and KNOW THE SON. Those are relational words, not religious words. They are not just “ I go to church every week” or “I’m a member of this church or this denomination”. Jesus doesn’t really care about our denominations, since He didn’t create any of them. He does care that we know Him and that He knows us. We must know the Father, and we must know the Son and what he did. To truly “Know Him” is to understand the depth of His great forgiveness to us, to love Him much, and do His revealed will and reflect to a lost and dying world the forgiveness and love of a Wonderful Beautiful Savior. Jesus doesn’t want us to be “sitting in our churches” and being afraid to touch a dirty world with His pure love.
Jesus once confronted a very religious man who didn’t really understand the depth of forgiveness when He said to him, “But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.”(Luke 7:47). What is your perception of God’s forgiveness to you. In your mind, is it big and great or is it little and small? We are convinced that those who truly “follow and love Christ” will do great things for God when they understand the depth of His forgiveness to each of us individually. We were ALL lost and in need of God. ALL of us were equally wicked. We must never forget that you and I are the “wretch” the song “Amazing Grace” was written about., and when we understand that, we will “Love Much”, and when we “Love Much”, we will “Serve Much”. We will serve Him because we love Him and we are in relationship with Him, and not because of religious duty.
Churches can meet a lot of different needs that people have, but there’s one that stands out above all the rest: the need to worship God ( or love God). Worship should not be a religious exercise. Worship should be an experience of the presence of the Lord…. His majesty…. His power…. His glory. That’s the cry of our heart as a church. Jesus said the Father is looking for true worshipers, and we want to join in that work with Him and find them and invite them to come and worship.
We invite you come and bow down and worship with us as a community of “believers”. We promise you, we will not try to get you to join our church. There will be no preaching, no teaching, no offering taken up. The only offering allowed will all of us offering our-self to God and His purposes, for we believe when we offer acceptable sacrifices to God, there will be a Divine response from heaven on the heart of the true worshiper.
Our prayer for these times of worship will be that the Lord would touch your heart and your life in such a way that You will never the same again, and go forth and touch a world that is in great need of the forgiveness and the love,mercy, and grace of God.
WE invite you to come and simply worship God. No strings attached.
“Come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” Where: Grand Bay Community Church 12575 Highway 90 W.(Across from the post office in Grand Bay) When: April 8th- 6:30 P.M. What to Bring: A heart of worship Call for more details: (228) 235-4567 or (228) 235-6507.