DI Veterans Association (DIVA) special ceremony
At Water Tower Plaza on Friday, November 11 at 10:00 a.m. everyone invited. Congressman Bradley Byrne will be in attendance as we honor two deceased veterans by adding their names to the Memorial Walls including; Aden Paul Hovell (USAF) and Robert J. Taylor (US Army). County Commissioner Jerry Carl is also scheduled to attend. Police Chief Kym Claw will pay tribute to the Navajo US Marine Corps “Code Talkers” (AKA Wind Talkers) who played a major role for the U.S. during 20th century conflicts such as WWI and WWII. Join our local veterans for what should be a patriotic and solemn ceremony to honor our nation’s veterans.
DI Veterans Association Annual Benefit Auction
Saturday, November 12 at 7:00 p.m. at Pelican Pub. The auction serves as the primary DIVA fundraiser to support community projects such as the Water Tower Flag Pole, “Freedom” (Bald Eagle statue at the DIVA Memorials Walls) and “Patriot” (Fallen Soldier monument located at Town Hall). Everyone invited to this lively and often humorous event led by Dauphin Island’s own Pruitt Woodall as auctioneer! Donation of auction items are encouraged and “treasures” can be dropped off at the Pelican Pub from 10:00 – 5:00 p.m. the day of event. For more info contact David Connolly at (251) 861-3054 (H) or (251) 861-7180 (W).
Fall Bazaar
by St. Francis Episcopal Church
Saturday, November 12 from 9:00 – 2:00 p.m. A variety of homemade delights made available for purchase and stock for the holidays. This event will also offer Seafood Gumbo, pickles, cheese straws, cakes and other assorted tasty treats. Don’t miss the delicious Wimberly’s Chicken Salad Sandwiches while you’re there! In addition, a “White Elephant Sale” will be held on church grounds and you can join in on the fun by bringing items to sell and a table and chairs. Spaces are $15 each and on a first-come basis. Contact Daena Meyers at (251) 391-4558 or Joan Smith at (251) 861-2551. On the same day, St. Edmund Catholic Church Ladies Altar Society will sponsor an island-wide yard sale from 8:00 – 2:00 p.m. Check out the church grounds as a variety of items will be on sale. Then venture throughout the island in search of (signs will be in place to direct you) more treasures at numerous homes and neighborhoods.
Taste of Dauphin Island
by DI Heritage & Arts Council
On Thursday, December 1, 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. at Dauphin Island Sea Lab Estuarium. It will showcase Island cuisine and provide the opportunity for you to sample the best food on the Island! The event will feature a great line up of Island restaurants, including JT’s Sunset Grill, Pirates Bar & Grill, Islanders Restaurant and the Sea Lab Cafeteria. Other highlights of the event will be grand prize drawings for fabulous works of art, live music and liquid refreshments. All this for a donation of $40 per person, $75 per couple! Tickets will be available beginning Friday, October 28 at the Dauphin Island Gallery and other locations to be announced. All proceeds will support DIHAC’s programs including Dauphin Island Gallery, Art Club and Summer Art Camp for students at Dauphin Island Elementary School. DIHAC is a 501(c)3 tax exempt charitable organization and your donations are much appreciated. For more information, call (251) 490-0294 or send an email toDauphinIslandArts@gmail.com. The final “Last Friday Art Night” of the year will be held on October 28 from 6-8:00 p.m. at the DI Gallery. It’s Halloween! So come in “family-friendly” costume and enter our costume contest. This month’s event also features an art demonstration by Juli Day and music by Ramblin’ Bob. Shop for local art, browse the Heritage Gallery, enjoy food and drink, and socialize with friends and visitors. The event is open to the public and a donation of $5 per person is requested to help cover expenses.
28th Annual Christmas Parade
Saturday, December 3 at 11:00 a.m. and the route will follow Bienville Blvd. from Cadillac Square to DI School. Join us and Jolly Old St. Nick for this fun time for the entire family.
Tree Lighting Ceremony
On Saturday, December 10 you’ll want to take part in our annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at Water Tower Plaza at 5:00 p.m. There will be music and other fun things to enjoy at this festive holiday event.