What to do?
In light of the recent turn of events in our country we must consider how to maintain our sanity in the light of the hysteria. Not to deny the importance of the situation but rather to consider framing it in light of our Savior Jesus Christ!
No question we must be wise and consider safe pre-cautions as we move about our daily life. We must consider limiting the contact for our young children or elder adults. We must maintain a safe six-foot social distancing from others in the case that they might be a carrier or a person infected showing signs. Use universal precautions: hand sanitizer (or better yet soap and water), avoid skin to skin contact, exposure to bodily fluids, etc
In all that, we need to consider our mental health. We must realize the seriousness of the pandemic and how the uncertainty of it can effect our lives on a daily basis.
I offer five ideas that might help us maintain versus becoming situationally anxious and begin to create a dysfunctional habit in our lives.
1. Consider the amount and kind of “intake we allow” with regards to media stimuli specifically revolving around this pandemic. Without thinking we can allow negativity to influence our thoughts. Phil 4:8
2. Worship God through song – remind ourselves that He is in control and that although it seems scary – God has this! Is 41:10
3. Remember the promise of Ps 91:1-6 – He is our refuge – pray this promise over you and your family.
4. Live in your God given Authority Eph 1:11-12
Have fun – although we are practicing social distance – while at home you should choose to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine – build family time activities and find ways to celebrate Jesus.