Q: My kids keep having issues with ear pain after we go to the pool or Presley’s. What is this and what can I do about it?
Your children could be experiencing what is commonly known as swimmer’s ear, or otitis externa. It is an infection in the outer ear canal that is typically brought on by water remaining in the ear creating a moist environment that is ideal for bacterial growth. The most important thing you can do to prevent it is to keep the ear canal dry. Before entering the water, use certain ear plugs to help prevent water from entering the ear canal. Immediately after, use a product called Swim-EAR® to further aid in drying the ear canal. Use 4-5 drops in each ear and allow the drops to drain out. If symptoms persist, contact your physician or an ENT for further evaluation.Disclaimer: Answers to inquiries concerning information about health conditions and/or medications are not for diagnostic or treatment purposes and can not be considered conclusive without consulting with a physician for diagnosis and treatment. Any information contained here is not a substitute for medical advice and may be outdated, invalid, or subject to debate. If you are in need or immediate medical attention, contact your physician or call 911. If you need to speak to a pharmacist, call Grand Bay Pharmacy at (251) 865-5555.