Peggy Watson has lived at 10630 Bayou Irvington Highway for 2 years. One of the reasons that she loved the property is the majestic live oak tree in the back yard. Her neighbors hoped she would not cut it down and they were happy to see that she respects and enhances the area planting the pink polka dot plant, hosta, and impatiens all around the “ Happy Place “ tree. There is also a ‘3 B’ bed that she plants for the birds, bees, and butterflies: this one has phlox, a shrimp plant, and other plants that enjoy some sun. Tomatoes have continued to grow on the vine on the back steps through our mild winter producing plentifully. Peggy works many hours daily to make this all happen even now being commissioned to start on the neighbor’s yard to add a bed around the oak tree. To nominate a garden please call Jane Spicciani 251-423-0700