Q: Are there any over-the-counter options to treat a urinary tract infection?
Most urinary tract infections, or UTI’s, can only be treated with prescription antibiotics since they are caused by a bacterial infection. However, there are some OTC options to help ease the discomfort associated with UTI’s. Products like Azo-Standard (which contains phenazopyridine) can help relieve the burning, pain, urgency, and frequency associated with UTI’s. They will not cure the infection, though. Following up with a physician for proper diagnosis and treatment will help prevent further complications.
Disclaimer: Answers to inquiries concerning information about health conditions and/or medications are not for diagnostic or treatment purposes and can not be considered conclusive without consulting with a physician for diagnosis and treatment. Any information contained here is not a substitute for medical advice and may be outdated, invalid, or subject to debate. If you are in need or immediate medical attention, contact your physician or call 911. If you need to speak to a pharmacist, call Grand Bay Pharmacy at 865-5555.