Fevers are a natural way for our bodies to fight sickness, so it is not ALWAYS a bad thing. A fever is a temperature higher than 99.5°F (oral) or 100.4°F (rectal). It’s important to treat based on their comfort level instead of “treating a number.” If the child is behaving normally, it is okay to not treat it. If they are uncomfortable – give a bath, place a cool cloth on their neck, and give acetaminophen or ibuprofen. If nothing helps, they need to be seen by a physician.
Disclaimer: Answers to inquiries concerning information about health conditions and/or medications are not for diagnostic or treatment purposes and can not be considered conclusive without consulting with a physician for diagnosis and treatment. Any information contained here is not a substitute for medical advice and may be outdated, invalid, or subject to debate. If you are in need or immediate medical attention, contact your physician or call 911. If you need to speak to a pharmacist, call Grand Bay Pharmacy at (251) 865-5555.