Christmas has arrived! What a beautiful site to see throughout the Bayou! Thanks to all the local businesses, groups, and individuals that adopted the City of Bayou La Batre Christmas Displays throughout the City! Also, a great big shout out to Mobile County Commissioner, Jerry Carl, and all the volunteers and employees that worked on the project. The lighting of the Community Christmas Tree at Mariner Park on December 2nd and the Bayou La Batre Christmas Parade on December 3rd, rounded out the wonderful holiday experience for all participants.
An early Christmas gift arrived on November 15th, when Alabama Governor, Robert Bentley, announced a $6,000,000 Phase I award for the purchase of the property at Lightning Point (near the Bayou La Batre City Docks Area) and more than 100 acres of coastal habitat near the mouth of Bayou La Batre. The land purchase and restoration projects will be funded with Gulf Restoration Funds awarded to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation; the coastal restoration projects will begin in 2017.
Also, during the month of November, I attended several productive meetings of the Bayou La Batre City Council. During the organizational meeting of the council on November 7th, Mayor Terry Downey appointed council members to various council committees. Councilman J.C. Smith was appointed as chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee, Councilwoman Kimberlyn Barbour, was appointed as chairwoman over the BLB Fire Department and Administration Committees, Councilman George Ramires, will serve as chairman over the Community Center and Senior Citizens Committee, Councilman Henry Barnes, will serve as chairman of the BLB Public Works Department Committee and Councilwoman Anna Bosarge, will serve as chairwoman of the BLB Police Department Committee. All council members are available to assist citizens with any concerns that may arise with their respective committees, or any other matters that may concern the city. You may call (251) 824-2171 and leave them a message; they will return your call as soon as possible. Committee meetings are scheduled quarterly and posted at city hall for all those that would like to attend.
Congratulations to Alma Bryant High School Ambassador, Haleigh Collier, for her selection to participate in the county-wide, Girls in Politics Initiative, held at the Mobile Marriott on November 21, 2016. The event was hosted by Mobile County Commissioners Mercia Ludgood, Connie Hudson and Jerry Carl. The event was a grand success for all participants!
On a final note…Please take a moment to remember the family of Bayou La Batre Police Sergeant, Gene Lofton, who passed away on October 31st. The family held a beautiful memorial service on November 18th at Irvington Fellowship Bible Church. Sergeant Lofton was a devoted husband to wife, Ashley, and a devoted father to his daughter, Jackie, and step children Blake and Clare Morgan. Many family members, friends and fellow officers paid tribute to Sergeant Lofton during the service, including the performance of the traditional “Taps” and “Final Call.” Job well done Sergeant Lofton…