At Mostellar Medical Center, we want all of our patients to be healthy and safe, abiding by the Center for Disease Control Guidelines during the Corona Virus COVID-19 Pandemic.
Remember: Wash and lather your hands with any soap for 20 seconds after contact with others, and surfaces like door knobs. Use a paper towel to turn off the water handle. Do not use a shared hand towel. Hand Sanitizer of 60% Alcohol is a good substitute if you can’t wash. Clean home surfaces with a Chlorine Bleach (1 tsp /cup water).
If you are not required at work, STAY HOME. Should you need to be out in public, practice social distancing of 6-9 feet. Don’t shake hands or hug. Cough/sneeze into your elbow.
Be creative with play and home chores. Teach your children a few survival skills for life and how to play without video time. Avoid letting the children watch the news to minimize their fears about COVID-19; but answer their questions in an age appropriate manner.
We are still seeing Influenza, Strep Throat and other childhood illnesses.
If your child is sick, please don’t hesitate to call us. Ours staff is here to serve you. It is not too late to get your Flu Vaccine and we will assist you in scheduling Well Child Visits.