How bad is your dog’s breath? Does it stink so badly you won’t let him kiss you?
The most common causes of bad breath in dogs are bad oral hygiene and periodontal disease. … If your dog is not a chewer and you do not regularly brush his teeth or have his teeth cleaned, then the most likely cause of his bad breath is plaque build-up. Over time, poor oral hygiene can lead to periodontal disease. Research shows 80% of dogs over the age of 2 show signs of dental disease. This can lead to gingivitis and eventually periodontal disease. Rover may start losing teeth and be prone to infection. What’s worse, if left untreated the disease can settle in your pet’s organs causing things like diabetes, heart disease, and a broken jaw, eventually killing them.
There are several products on the market to help keep your pet’s mouth clean. Sprays can be used to kill bacteria. You can brush Rover’s teeth, and that will help, but if Rover’s teeth have been neglected for years, then a simple brushing isn’t going to be enough. Tartar on teeth leads to bacteria that stinks, but reaching that tarter—particularly on the back teeth and along the gum line—can be a tough job for a doggy toothbrush. Here are a few things to use at home
- Kong Treat with Toothpaste. …
- Mint and Parsley. …
- Probiotics. …
- Apple Cider Vinegar. …
- Fresh Water. …
- Coconut Oil.
- Carrots and apples
Also, a good chew toy will help knock plaque and build-up off the teeth.
If Rover is a puppy, then start now getting him used to brushing and cleaning. They need dental cleaning once a year. They need to be current on shots before having their teeth cleaned. We have called a few of the local vets to see their pricing for a dental cleaning and if they are running specials in February:
Grand Bay Animal Clinic
Teeth cleaning $68
Dogs over 5 will also need bloodwork
Bloodwork $66
Theodore veterinary clinic
Depending on how bad the teeth are
$260 to over $500
$20 off so $80
And if they are over five, they will need bloodwork
Bloodwork is $64.50
As with all our articles, these are our Professional opinions! Please seek the care of a licensed veterinarian. If you have a topic you would like us to write on, please email us at or call 2514588226 or check us out on Facebook @ Kuddles n kisses connection