According to, the top five new year’s resolutions are: Lose weight, Save more and spend less, Learn a new skill or hobby, Quit smoking, Read more. Those may not apply to you, but there are three that may make 2019 the best yet.
1. Read the entire Bible. Many of us in the Bible belt know the stories, but we have not taken the time to read, in entirety, the greatest book to ever be. There are many ways to do it, but if you have a smartphone, it is easy to add the Bible app by YouVersion and follow their plans on reading the entire Bible in a year. You can do it in many different tracks like chronologically, Old and New Testaments, or straight through.
2. Exercise distinctly. Many resolutions are not attainable because of work or obligations, and sometimes we will roll our “exercise” into our daily roll, but what I am encouraging is to exercise in a way that is distinct to your life. If you work at a place where you are on your feet 20,000 steps a day, maybe you do not need leg day at the gym, but doing 50 push-ups in the morning and 50 push-ups before you go to bed will help more than you believe. Whatever that may be, make it fit for your life.
3. Give. Simply find a need and then fill it.
Have a Happy New Year!