Castlen Elementary School strives each day to prepare our students for the 21st Century by facilitating a student-centered learning environment. We allow our students to have more responsibility and choice in their learning. Castlen uses programs we have in place to break through our current performance levels and assist students in making individual progress using a variety of resources and locations on campus to teach the Alabama College and Career Ready Standards. Castlen connects the academic content to real world use for students by using STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) to guide the collaborative process. Teachers provide rigorous, relevant, and engaging units of study aligned to the curriculum through the use of science, technology, engineering, and math. Students are held to rigorous standards for core knowledge and skills in every content area while being engaged in authentic tasks that build 21st century skills of collaboration, critical thinking, goal setting, and innovation.
The staff at Castlen Elementary School strongly believes that using the programs we have in place allows students more opportunities to work cooperatively with others to create products and solve problems that will motivate students to reach their goals at an early age. This will impact the desire and drive that students need in the future to pass all required courses and ultimately to obtain the reward of personal success and success for our community. Castlen Elementary is recognized by the Mobile County Public School System as a Digital Literacy School and a MCPSS School of Innovation. The school is also recognized by the Mobile Area Education Foundation as a STEM Leadership School.