The majority of flu shots are “inactivated,” which means the bacteria is killed and actual pieces of it are put into the shot. The reasoning for this is to let your body know to be on the lookout for these pieces. Think of it like showing a picture of a suspicious person you’ve seen in the neighborhood to your body – it’s to say to be on the lookout, but the picture can’t actually harm you. Therefore, the answer is NO, the flu shot cannot give you the flu.
Disclaimer: Answers to inquiries concerning information about health conditions and/or medications are not for diagnostic or treatment purposes and can not be considered conclusive without consulting with a physician for diagnosis and treatment. Any information contained here is not a substitute for medical advice and may be outdated, invalid, or subject to debate. If you are in need or immediate medical attention, contact your physician or call 911. If you need to speak to a pharmacist, call Grand Bay Pharmacy at (251) 865-5555.
This question was answered by pharmacy student Matthew Munn.